Sherman Mk.II DD Tank (M4A1 Late) - Lowered Screen (Optional Parts - British/US Version)

Sherman Mk.II DD Tank (M4A1 Late) - Lowered Screen (Optional Parts - British/US Version)

The British invented the Duplex Drive or DD system for tanks being used in amphibious operations and gave their detailed drawings to their American counterparts in early 1944. The US tank of choice for conversion was the M4A1 of which 100 were of the later "Big Hatch" type and used the famous Firestone company to produce their conversion kits. A total of 350 were so converted and differed from the British pattern by having additional struts including 2 on the turret and a raised splash curtain on the rear of the apron. American planners revised their plans and decided that 350 vehicles were more than would be required for Operation Neptune and resultantly agreed to transfer 80 to the British of both M4A1 types. The American DD tank experience on D-Day was mixed in contrast to the British who managed to deploy most of their DDs successfully. In total only 55 of the 96 American DDs launched reached shore but proved invaluable with many accepting that their intervention saved the day on Omaha beach. Later 36 American M4A1 DDs were used in Operation Dragoon, the landings in Southern France with 16 swimming ashore and the balance landing directly on the beach from LCTs. Their final amphibious operation was the Rhine crossing but due to shortages of M4A1s, the British supplied the Americans with some of their Mk.III (M4A2) & Mk.V (M4A4) DDs. A total of 28 of this mixed bag were used in the crossing by the Americans. The kit includes the British pattern rear turret stowage bin so that the British version may be built if desired. This model is also very suitable for use with Accurate Armour's superb 1/76 scale LCT4 which is also available from Milicast.

  • SKU: UK107 US110
  • £28.99
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The British invented the Duplex Drive or DD system for tanks being used in amphibious operations and gave their detailed drawings to their American counterparts in early 1944. The US tank of choice for conversion was the M4A1 of which 100 were of the later "Big Hatch" type and used the famous Firestone company to produce their conversion kits. A total of 350 were so converted and differed from the British pattern by having additional struts including 2 on the turret and a raised splash curtain on the rear of the apron. American planners revised their plans and decided that 350 vehicles were more than would be required for Operation Neptune and resultantly agreed to transfer 80 to the British of both M4A1 types. The American DD tank experience on D-Day was mixed in contrast to the British who managed to deploy most of their DDs successfully. In total only 55 of the 96 American DDs launched reached shore but proved invaluable with many accepting that their intervention saved the day on Omaha beach. Later 36 American M4A1 DDs were used in Operation Dragoon, the landings in Southern France with 16 swimming ashore and the balance landing directly on the beach from LCTs. Their final amphibious operation was the Rhine crossing but due to shortages of M4A1s, the British supplied the Americans with some of their Mk.III (M4A2) & Mk.V (M4A4) DDs. A total of 28 of this mixed bag were used in the crossing by the Americans. The kit includes the British pattern rear turret stowage bin so that the British version may be built if desired. This model is also very suitable for use with Accurate Armour's superb 1/76 scale LCT4 which is also available from Milicast.

    • SKU
      UK107 US110
    • Weight
      96 g
  • Manufacturer
  • Unit of Sale
    Single Unit
  • Assembly Status
    Unassembled Kit
  • Scale
  • Age Level
    17 Years & Up
  • Skill Level
    3 – Intermediate
  • Theme

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All Goods remain the property of Milicast Model Company until paid for in full. Goods may only be returned by prior arrangement at the recipients' expense. Delivery and insurance charges are non-refundable. Claims for damaged/missing items should be made within seven days of receipt.

Any products purchased 'second hand’, (without proof of direct Milicast Model Company supply, or supply from an Milicast Model Company approved dealer, shop or agent), or any products part assembled or part worked on in any way, are not covered by this returns policy. Under these circumstances no returns will be accepted, however we may quote for the supply of parts to restore the product to full inventory.

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