SAS Jeep (N. Africa)

SAS Jeep (N. Africa)

The SAS should not be confused with the earlier formed LRDG who initially acted as the transport for these commandos. However following the addition of a section of Free French paratroopers in 1942, the 130 strong SAS became independent and with their 20 Bedford OY trucks and 16 Jeeps, they developed their "hit and run" tactics against German and Italian airfields, etc., in Egypt, Lybia and Tunisia....

  • SKU: UK077
  • £15.99
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The SAS should not be confused with the earlier formed LRDG who initially acted as the transport for these commandos. However following the addition of a section of Free French paratroopers in 1942, the 130 strong SAS became independent and with their 20 Bedford OY trucks and 16 Jeeps, they developed their "hit and run" tactics against German and Italian airfields and other targets in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. At the end of 1942 the SAS gained Regimental status and was increased in strength by receiving the remains of Middle East Commando and the Greek Sacred Squadron and although they lost the Free French paras, their compliment rose to 800 men. In 1943 the 2nd. SAS Regiment arrived in Tunisia to carry out strategic raids on Sicily and the Italian coast and following D-Day they used their expertise throughout NW Europe. (see UK076) As can be seen below our model accurately reflects the array of weapons carried on these vehicles and included in the kit are both single and twin Vickers K guns and an Air-Cooled .50cal Browning MG as well as additional magazines and ammunition boxes. In addition, there is a mixture of captured "Jerrycans"," Americans" and British "Flimsies" all available from our Accessory Range. Also see FIG072 SAS Drivers.

    • SKU
    • Weight
      46 g
  • Manufacturer
  • Unit of Sale
    Single Unit
  • Assembly Status
    Unassembled Kit
  • Scale
  • Age Level
    17 Years & Up
  • Skill Level
    3 – Intermediate
  • Theme

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All Goods remain the property of Milicast Model Company until paid for in full. Goods may only be returned by prior arrangement at the recipients' expense. Delivery and insurance charges are non-refundable. Claims for damaged/missing items should be made within seven days of receipt.

Any products purchased 'second hand’, (without proof of direct Milicast Model Company supply, or supply from an Milicast Model Company approved dealer, shop or agent), or any products part assembled or part worked on in any way, are not covered by this returns policy. Under these circumstances no returns will be accepted, however we may quote for the supply of parts to restore the product to full inventory.

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