M19 Diamond T981 Tank Transporter Tractor (Open Cab) & M9 Rodgers Trailer
The British experience in North Africa where the Germans practice of recovering their armour, etc., from the battlefield lead to a new approach to their need to improve tank recovery. The fact that the size and weight of German armour was increasing also changed there perception. Resultantly the British Purchasing Commission identified that the Chicago based Diamond T company's new heavy truck, already being developed for the US Army, was a good candidate to equip the British Army's identified needs. Used as a Prime Mover and Recovery vehicle it was as a vehicle capable of transporting larger and heavier tanks that it was identified. Following minor modifications an initial order for 200 was very quickly filled in 1942 with 1000 of the 5871 built eventually being supplied to the British. Along with the "Rodgers" Trailer they were sent to North Africa were they gave sterling service and remained in British service for many years post war. The remainder were used by the US Army as the M20 Tractor and as the M19 when used with the M9 Rodgers Trailer and with the other allies. Post war twenty other countries received the M20 with many used by the IDF. Note that the 981 had the same chassis with open and/or closed cab as the 980 but the winch could be used through the front and rear of the vehicle. All Open cab type, introduced in April 1944 and used by both the British and American armies, were 981 types. Note that the Closed Cab types T980/981, were used by the British and American armies and is available as kit UK272.
- SKU: US132
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The British experience in North Africa where the Germans practice of recovering their armour, etc., from the battlefield lead to a new approach to their need to improve tank recovery. The fact that the size and weight of German armour was increasing also changed there perception. Resultantly the British Purchasing Commission identified that the Chicago based Diamond T company's new heavy truck, already being developed for the US Army, was a good candidate to equip the British Army's identified needs. Used as a Prime Mover and Recovery vehicle it was as a vehicle capable of transporting larger and heavier tanks that it was identified. Following minor modifications an initial order for 200 was very quickly filled in 1942 with 1000 of the 5871 built eventually being supplied to the British. Along with the "Rodgers" Trailer they were sent to North Africa were they gave sterling service and remained in British service for many years post war. The remainder were used by the US Army as the M20 Tractor and as the M19 when used with the M9 Rodgers Trailer and with the other allies. Post war twenty other countries received the M20 with many used by the IDF. Note that the 981 had the same chassis with open and/or closed cab as the 980 but the winch could be used through the front and rear of the vehicle. All Open cab type, introduced in April 1944 and used by both the British and American armies, were 981 types. Note that the Closed Cab types T980/981, were used by the British and American armies and is available as kit UK272.
- ManufacturerMilicast
- Unit of SaleSingle Unit
- Assembly StatusUnassembled Kit
- Scale1:76
- Age Level17 Years & Up
- Skill Level3 – Intermediate
- ThemeMilitaria
We ship to all countries World Wide. If you receive an error message "No shipping location available" or similar, please contact us directly by e-mail (info@milicast.com) and we shall assist. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
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All Goods remain the property of Milicast Model Company until paid for in full. Goods may only be returned by prior arrangement at the recipients' expense. Delivery and insurance charges are non-refundable. Claims for damaged/missing items should be made within seven days of receipt.
Any products purchased 'second hand’, (without proof of direct Milicast Model Company supply, or supply from an Milicast Model Company approved dealer, shop or agent), or any products part assembled or part worked on in any way, are not covered by this returns policy. Under these circumstances no returns will be accepted, however we may quote for the supply of parts to restore the product to full inventory.