M4A3E2 75mm Sherman "Jumbo"

M4A3E2 75mm Sherman "Jumbo"

A total of 3396 of this late type M4A1(76) was produced from January 1944 onwards and was the first to have the new T23 turret with 76mm M1A1 gun. This model represents the earliest production type with the early gun tube and the split loaders hatch. They saw action with the Americans in Italy, NW Europe and in the Pacific and also with the Free French and British.

  • SKU: BA016
  • £13.99
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Experience following the campaign in Normandy showed that a heavy tank was required immediately and this compromise design was agreed as it became evident that the M26 Pershing would not be available before early 1945. Additional armour was added to all hull surfaces of the M4A3 and a new heavy turret, with frontal armour of 150mm, was designed and retaining the 75mm gun, although some later "Jumbos" did have the 76mm gun fitted. Resultantly the weight increased to 42 (short) tons and this necessitated in grousers being permanently fitted to the tracks. A total of 254 vehicles were supplied to units the ETO and these proved to be very successful.

    • SKU
    • Weight
      38.4 g
  • Manufacturer
  • Unit of Sale
    Single Unit
  • Assembly Status
    Unassembled Kit
  • Scale
  • Age Level
    17 Years & Up
  • Skill Level
    3 – Intermediate
  • Theme

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