QF 7.2" / 8" Howitzer / 6" Gun on Mk.VIII Carriage (WWII version)

QF 7.2" / 8" Howitzer / 6" Gun on Mk.VIII Carriage (WWII version)

Towed by the Scammel R100 Artillery Tractor they performed relatively well and remained in service until the end of the war in AGRA Units as part of the "Heavy" regiments to provide heavy fire support. Used on all fronts from 1941 they were normally crewed by 10 men.

  • SKU: UK253/4/5
  • £21.99
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The 7.2" and 8" howitzers and 6" gun all dated from WWI. The carriage was a modernized version of the WWI carriage with the addition of huge pneumatic tyres which allowed these heavy artillery pieces to have an extended service. All were used by the BEF and also deployed in southern England for the anticipated invasion. The 7.2" were all converted from the 8" Mk.VIII Howitzers with the rear barrel section being sleeved and the front 7.2"section fretted in. Some also used redundant US stocks of the 8" barrels. Towed by the Scammel R100 Artillery Tractor they performed relatively well and remained in service until the end of the war in AGRA Units as part of the "Heavy" regiments to provide heavy fire support. Used on all fronts from 1941 they were normally crewed by 10 men. The kit includes optional barrels to build either the 7.2" Howitzer Mk.I-IV, the 6" Gun Mk.XIX or the 8" Howitzer Mk.VIII. (8" Howitzer shown opposite)

    • SKU
    • Weight
      62 g
  • Manufacturer
  • Unit of Sale
    Single Unit
  • Assembly Status
    Unassembled Kit
  • Scale
  • Age Level
    17 Years & Up
  • Skill Level
    3 – Intermediate
  • Theme

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