Vickers Light Dragon Mk.IIC

Vickers Light Dragon Mk.IIC

The forerunner to the Universal Carrier, the Lt. Dragon was produced by Vickers-Armstrong between 1929 and 1935 with the emphasis on producing a suitable all terrain towing vehicle for Field guns.

There were six variants spread across three marks. The Mk.II was fitted with a more powerful 4.5 litre Meadows 6-cylinder petrol engine and improved armour. The IIB brought new running gear and the IIC brought improvements to the exhaust, front plate and headlamps.

Dragon Mk IICs were sent to France with the BEF and were mainly used to tow the guns of the recently formed Anti-Tank Brigades. The 20th A/T Regt. RA used them to tow 2 Pdr Anti-Tank Guns. As far as we know, none returned to the UK.

  • SKU: UK388
  • £23.99
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The forerunner to the Universal Carrier, the Lt. Dragon was produced by Vickers-Armstrong between 1929 and 1935 with the emphasis on producing a suitable all terrain towing vehicle for Field guns.

There were six variants spread across three marks. The Mk.II was fitted with a more powerful 4.5 litre Meadows 6-cylinder petrol engine and improved armour. The IIB brought new running gear and the IIC brought improvements to the exhaust, front plate and headlamps.

Dragon Mk IICs were sent to France with the BEF and were mainly used to tow the guns of the recently formed Anti-Tank Brigades. The 20th A/T Regt. RA used them to tow 2 Pdr Anti-Tank Guns. As far as we know, none returned to the UK.

    • SKU
    • Weight
      44 g
  • Manufacturer
  • Brand
  • Type
  • Unit of Sale
    Single Unit
  • Assembly Status
    Unassembled Kit
  • MPN
  • Material
  • Scale
  • Year Manufactured
  • Age Level
    17 Years & Up
  • Skill Level
    3 – Intermediate
  • Theme
  • Features
    Not Painted
  • Country/Region of Manufacture
    United Kingdom
  • Manufacturer

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All Goods remain the property of Milicast Model Company until paid for in full. Goods may only be returned by prior arrangement at the recipients' expense. Delivery and insurance charges are non-refundable. Claims for damaged/missing items should be made within seven days of receipt.

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