British FOO/MFC with Radios

British FOO/MFC with Radios

This set consists of 9 figures with optional heads and 3 extra radios as used by FOO (Forward Observation Officer) and MFC (Mortar Fire Control) and by infantry units. The FOO were assigned to a company or squadron of a battalion or regiment that their battery was supporting. In the British artillery system FOO's were authorised to order fire commands to their own troop or battery, based on their assessment of the tactical situation and if necessary liaison with the supported arm commander. The MFC (Mortar Fire Controller) was an infantry NCO who was part of his battalion's mortar platoon and controlled the platoon's fire in the same way as an FOO. By WW2 radio communication between ground troops and between vehicles including AFV's was essential to support increased mobility for which the previously land-line telephone links were now quite inadequate. Infantry tactics rely on inter communication between elements and British infantry, post D-Day, had a theoretical allocation of radios to Platoon level with No.18 sets, and to Company level, with No.38 sets at platoon level. The technology available at that time was unreliable and there were never enough radios available as breakages were common often due to the necessary man-handling they received in the field. At Company level and above, radios were often kept either static or in vehicles such as the 8cwt CMP HUW vans (see Related Products below) where practical.

  • SKU: FIG112
  • £17.99
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This set consists of 9 figures with optional heads and 3 extra radios as used by FOO (Forward Observation Officer) and MFC (Mortar Fire Control) and by infantry units. The FOO were assigned to a company or squadron of a battalion or regiment that their battery was supporting. In the British artillery system FOO's were authorised to order fire commands to their own troop or battery, based on their assessment of the tactical situation and if necessary liaison with the supported arm commander. The MFC (Mortar Fire Controller) was an infantry NCO who was part of his battalion's mortar platoon and controlled the platoon's fire in the same way as an FOO. By WW2 radio communication between ground troops and between vehicles including AFV's was essential to support increased mobility for which the previously land-line telephone links were now quite inadequate. Infantry tactics rely on inter communication between elements and British infantry, post D-Day, had a theoretical allocation of radios to Platoon level with No.18 sets, and to Company level, with No.38 sets at platoon level. The technology available at that time was unreliable and there were never enough radios available as breakages were common often due to the necessary man-handling they received in the field. At Company level and above, radios were often kept either static or in vehicles such as the 8cwt CMP HUW vans (see Related Products below) where practical.

    • SKU
    • Weight
      8 g
  • Manufacturer
  • Unit of Sale
    Single Unit
  • Assembly Status
    Unassembled Kit
  • Scale
  • Age Level
    17 Years & Up
  • Skill Level
    3 – Intermediate
  • Theme

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All Goods remain the property of Milicast Model Company until paid for in full. Goods may only be returned by prior arrangement at the recipients' expense. Delivery and insurance charges are non-refundable. Claims for damaged/missing items should be made within seven days of receipt.

Any products purchased 'second hand’, (without proof of direct Milicast Model Company supply, or supply from an Milicast Model Company approved dealer, shop or agent), or any products part assembled or part worked on in any way, are not covered by this returns policy. Under these circumstances no returns will be accepted, however we may quote for the supply of parts to restore the product to full inventory.

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