
  • British AFV Crew Set #1 - Casual Poses

    This set of British AFV Crew comprises six standing figures. They are suitable for use with British and Commonwealth vehicles c.1939-1945.

    • £9.49
    Sorry, we only have 9 of that item available
  • Milicast 1/76 British AFV Crew Set #2

    This set of British AFV Crew comprises six upper torsos and one seated figure. They are suitable for use with British and Commonwealth vehicles c.1939-1945.

    • £9.49
    Sorry, we only have 14 of that item available
  • British AFV Crew Set #3 - "Pixie Suits"

    This set of British AFV Crew comprises three standing figures, one seated figure and two upper torsos with optional heads. They are wearing "Pixie Suits" and suitable for use with British and Commonwealth vehicles c.1939-1945.

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 14 of that item available
  • British AFV Crew Set #4 - Tropical Dress

    This set of British AFV Crew comprises three standing figures, one seated figure and two upper torsos with optional heads. They are wearing Tropical Dress and suitable for use with British and Commonwealth vehicles in the MEF, Western Desert and Far East Theatres c.1940-1945.

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 13 of that item available
  • Milicast 1/76 British AFV Crew Set #5

    This set of five British WWII AFV Crew Figures in Battle Dress comes with optional heads wearing either Berets or Tank Helmets. They are suitable for British and Commonwealth vehicles depicted in NW Europe or if built with berets, also suitable for Tunisia, Sicily or Italy.

    • £11.99
    Out of stock
  • British Infantry Set #1 - Full Webbing & Weapons (Optional Heads)

    This 5 Figure set of British Infantry can be used as either a foot patrol carrying weapons or just troops disembarking from an LCA, LCI-L's, etc.,

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 1 of that item available
  • British Gun Crew Set #1 - Bofors 40mm

    This 5-figure set is accurately posed to crew a 40mm Bofors Gun crew. The set comes with a full set of optional heads in both the '37 and '44 pattern helmets.

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 19 of that item available
  • British Gun Crew Set #2 - Field Guns, MEF, NW Europe

    British field gun crew suitable for Tunisia, Sicily, Italy and NW Europe. Supplied with optional heads and shells.

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 36 of that item available
  • British Infantry Set #2 - MEF, NW Europe

    This set of six British Infantry are suitable for Tunisia, Sicily, Italy and NW Europe as they come in our multi-pose configuration with optional heads and weapons.

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 6 of that item available
  • British Soldiers in Various Poses c. 1944-1945

    These figures are particularly suitable for dioramas of British troops in NW Europe circa '44-'45.

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 17 of that item available
  • British Officers (circa 1944)

    5 Brtish Officers from different regiments circa 1944.
    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 5 of that item available
  • British Soldiers in Casual Poses

    Five Figures of British squddies of various regiments in their most natural pose...not working! ...

    • £11.99
    Sorry, we only have 5 of that item available
Products: 112 of 71


  • Sorry, we only have 6 of that item available
  • Sorry, we only have 26 of that item available

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